Several weeks ago, I mentioned, I felt like some people were trying to treat our world like an Etch-A-Sketch. You remember the toy, you could turn the knobs, draw a picture and when you were finished, you turned it upside down, shook it and the picture disappeared. There are so many trying to upend our lives, shake it and hope our past disappears. But if we were all honest, just like with an Etch-A-Sketch, we can still see the "picture" in our memories.
It doesn't matter how many images we remove, monuments we tear down, or other things we destroy, it still happened and the memory remains. We can try to "cancel out" the things we don't agree with, don't want to support or despise that they happened or exist but we will always have the memory and all of life's scars of it's defeats and victories. Thank you Brother John for the powerful message yesterday. Jesus has the power over the "cancel culture" we live in.
One Sunday night many years ago, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. My name was written in the Lamb's Book Of Life and it is permanent. There is no power on this earth that can or will be able to cancel that out no matter how hard they try. They may be able to interfere with some of my activities but that sweet touch on my life will never be touched or hindered.
I pray you will listen to the words of this song I woke to this morning. I don't know much about this song but I remember when The Inspirations recorded on their album of the same name in 1988, I wasn't there when the Christ child was born. I wasn't there when He was crucified. I wasn't there on that first resurrection day. But, "Yes, I Will Be There" when He calls me away! The "cancel culture" is not going to get to this one! Hallelujah!!!
I pray you will have an amazing Monday!