I have always enjoyed the beauty of nature, God's amazing world He created for us to appreciate and love. In my younger days, I use to do a lot of primitive camping in Chattahoochee National Forest. Just a few friends and nature. What a joy to see the sights and hear the sounds. You have heard me say often, I love waking up and watching the darkness turn to day. But I also love the sunsets and everything in between.
No camping for me anymore, but I love my yard. I'm not able to create the beautiful gardens I see so many have, but I like being able to plant a flower or two and watch them grow. I love to sit on the porch and watch the birds at the feeder and play in the sprinkler when its on. And after two years with a bird feeder, this week a squirrel has found it. I wish he hadn't t but he is sure fun to watch. And I don't think the squirrel or birds are bothered at all or are concerned with Covid19. They are all going about their business and not wearing a mask and not worried at all.
I have been inspired by many of the beautiful flower pictures you have posted so I've decided to try my hand at making pictures of mine. I thought, I should try macro photography as I might even catch a few of the bees and other tiny creatures enjoying the blooms. (And it will give me a new pastime to get me out of my chair more. LOL) I bought a new lens (kind of crazy when you think about my shaky hands) so get ready to be bored with lots of flower pictures. LOL While I thought I already enjoyed the beauty before me, the past few days of making pictures up close has made me have an even greater appreciation of God's creations. One day, I make a picture of rose, the petals wrapped tightly in a bud and to wake up the next morning to a fully opened glorious flower. And then there's another flower, that in the late evening it looks like the day's sun has got to it and it's green just laying there. Then as the next day proceeds, the plant comes alive and little pink flowers, burst out all over just glowing in the sunlight only to go back to sleep (I guess) as the sun sets. I could go on and on, but making pictures up close has made me pay even closer attention instead of just enjoying the colors and watching them grow.
Here I am this morning, rambling on and on about subjects many of you could write books on. But over the past few days especially, I have thought about all these things, contemplated on how they all work hand in hand and enjoyed the wonderment of it all. I wonder in 1956, when George Beverly Shea wrote "Wonder Of It All" if he was sitting on his front porch admiring God's creation. Was it then in the amazement of looking at God's handy work, when he penned the words "but the wonder that thrills my soul is the wonder that God loves me"!
There is nothing that thrills my soul more than knowing that God loves me!!! He has blessed me, given me life, gave me a world to live in to enjoy and appreciate, gave me friends and family to love and enjoy but most of all gave me His son to be my Savior. Oh the "Wonder Of It All". I hope you will enjoy hearing the song I woke to this morning!