We are so blessed that with technology today we have so many ways to communicate. As I think back over my life, forms of communication have evolved tremendously. From face to face contact, to writing a letter or sending a card through the mail to the old fashion telephone. Now we still have all of those, plus we now have cell phones, texts, messaging, social media and probably others that I can not even think of this morning. I remember in my "working days" I would work with new managers on the various forms of communication like telephone, voicemail, fax, and interoffice mail and when and how to use the particular type for its most effective use. Kind of silly when I think about it this morning but it sure seemed needed at the time. Everyone was expecting to receive an immediate response from the "newer forms" of communication.
There's a lot of talk about social media these days. It is considered by many as one of the most powerful forms of communication someone has. With just a few "keystrokes" we can communicate with the world (or at least whoever reads the message) whatever we want to say. That message is permanent and even if the "messenger" deletes it, it stays out there somewhere in the digital world. I guess that means I should really think twice (or maybe even more) about what I post. Social media is powerful and is used for some many good, amazing and wonderful purposes. At the same time it can be and is used too often as a tool for hate, hurt, and so many other forms of wrongdoing.
I enjoy social media (aka Facebook for me) as it like a "newspaper" for me. It is "news stories" about so many of the people in my life. I can read about what they are doing or even thinking sometimes. I see pictures of my precious sweet nieces, nephews, others and their back to school pictures. I get to see birthdays and the celebrations. I'm able to enjoy pictures of vacations, weddings and other special events. I see things of inspiration, scripture verses, and special messages that are important to someone and they decided to share as and encouragement to others. Over the past year, I've been able to "attend" church services, revival meetings and gospel music concerts without leaving my chair. (Not quite the same as being there but I'm thankful that I can.)
I think one of the most powerful ways social media is being used is with prayer and prayer requests. It seems to me, that today, there are more and more requests, people and families in need of our prayers. Tonight is Prayer Meeting at many of our churches and in my opinion there's never been a time for an "old fashion prayer meeting" as there is today. With the virus still of concern, it may not be possible to attend a church service and gather in the alter and everyone lifting their voices together in prayer. So perhaps we need an "old fashion Facebook" prayer meeting. There are so many needs in our families, circle of friends, churches, communities, our states, our country and the world. Let us never forget with all the forms of communication we have, prayer has always been and always will be our MOST powerful tool of communication!
"When You Pray" is a precious song! I am honored and humbled when you request for me to pray for you and I consider it a privilege to take your request to our Lord in prayer. I'm also grateful for ever prayer you pray for me. I know there have been many and I know they have made a difference in my life.
I pray "When You Pray" will be a blessing today!