The title of this song alone makes my heart smile and I was a little surprised to wake up hearing it this morning. I wake up almost every morning with a very nice good morning surprise. As I have said over and over again, I am so very blessed.
"When The Lord Saved Me" was a song I do not ever remember hearing until several weeks ago. I believe I have mentioned, I workout listening to southern gospel music. I use to listen to Enlighten, but SiriusXM now allows you to create a "Pandora" type channel. So I now listen to my "The Inspirations" channel and able to listen to southern gospel quartets sing all throughout my grueling workout. I was just " a getting it" on the treadmill, "When The Lord Saved Me" started playing. I liked what I heard, but I did not recognize the song or the group so I looked at my watch for the name of both. I really enjoyed the toe tapping, old time 4 part quartet singing and most of all the words of the song. As soon as I got off the treadmill, I wrote it down so I would remember it and I could listen to it again.
Later in the day, I made it to my chair, pulled up You Tube on my phone and searched for the song. I actually wrote the name of the group down wrong so I had a little trouble finding it. (Don't laugh but I was tired when I was done on the treadmill and with my memory it was kind of good that I got the name of the song right. LOL) I listened to it several times and enjoyed it more each time. I was not that familiar with The Triumphant Quartet, even though I have heard them before, so I took the opportunity to listen to more of their recordings. I have heard my cousins (who just returned from a gospel singing cruise) speak of how much they enjoy hearing them in concert. I hope to have that pleasure soon. (Not the cruise. The concert. LOL)
Well now that I have completely bored you with my story of working out and a song and group I did not know, I hope you will enjoy listening to The Triumphant Quartet sing "When The Lord Saved Me". Even better, I hope you will have a good Sunday morning and be blessed with the music, sermon and spirit at your Church!