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We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles and Trials

I was wondering when it would happen but I can't wonder anymore. Today, I woke with a song I woke with just a few weeks ago. I often wonder why God chooses a particular song to wake me up with and this morning it's no different. I should stop trying to figure it out and just enjoy it, right?

I admit, this is one of my favorite songs from my childhood. I'll always remember, The Merrits Quartet from my childhood church singing it and Bill enjoying singing the bass part. I think I wrote about it in my previous post that "We'll Soon Be Done" was written by Clevant Derricks, the writer of several other songs many are most familiar with. "Just a Little Talk With Jesus", "When God Dipped His Love In My Heart", and "When He Blessed My Soul" . (I wonder if Mr. Derricks was a bass singer? I think about the bass part in all of these. But come to think about it, I do in all songs. LOL)

Maybe I can translate that this as a prayer for today and prayer even more that we will soon be done with the troubles and trials we are going through today. This virus has disrupted all of our lives and it has put us through some troubles and trials that I suspect we never expected. But this virus has removed so many of the things that have consumed our attention previously and I believe it has helped many of us to appreciate more, the things that are truly important.

Here are the words (just in case I can't link to a song version again this morning)

We’ll Soon Be Done

"Some of these days I'm going home Where no sorrows ever come, We'll soon be done with troubles and trials; Safe from Heartaches, pain and care, We shall all that glory share, And I'm gonna sit down beside my Jesus, Sit down and rest a little while.

Refrain: We'll soon be done with troubles and trials, Yes, in that home on the other side, And I'm gonna shake glad hands with the elders, Tell my kindred good morning, Then I'm gonna sit down beside my Jesus,

Gonna sit down and rest a li'l while.

Kindred and friends now wait for me, Soon their faces I shall see, We'll soon be done with troubles and trials;

Tis a home of Life so fair And we'll all be gathered there, And I'm gonna’ sit down beside my Jesus, Sit down and rest a little while.

I shall behold his blessed face, I shall feel his matchless grace, We'll soon be done with troubles and trials; O what peace and joy sublime In that home of love divine, And I'm gonna’ sit down beside my Jesus, Sit down and rest a little while."

Well, I'm not sure it this will work or not but we will soon see. LOL The last time I woke up to "We'll Soon Be Done" I believe I posted the link to the Kingdom Heirs. This morning, I thought I would share a version from one of the old southern gospel quartets, The Statesmen featuring Big Chief! I hope you will enjoy and I pray you will have a safe and healthy Tuesday!

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