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Walking My Lord Up Calvary's Hill

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been enjoying watching "The Chosen". (I think they call it binge watching when you're trying to catch up.) If you have not watched, I encourage you to do so. I've enjoyed watching all the episodes more than once and reading corresponding scripture with each episode. Yes, it is a well made show, but the message is so powerful. But to see, feel and experience this time is so much more meaningful. I was left as the last episode ended wanting and desiring more. I believe I felt as The Rabbi's students felt when they were in His presence.

"Had It Not Been" for Jesus and His willingness to do His Father's will, we would have no hope! Jesus took the punishment for my sins and gave me the gift of Eternal Life when I accepted Him. In "The Chosen" I loved how the actor who played Jesus smiled as each one made the decision to follow Him. I'm thankful for that Sunday evening, many years ago when I gave Jesus a smile!

I could not find the version of "Walking My Lord Up Calvary's Hill" I woke to this morning. I pray you will be blessed with this version as it similar to the one I wanted to post. It is from an album recorded in 1967 and was the first time I remember hearing this song.

I pray you will have a blessed Tuesday!

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