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Victory Is Sweet

Several days ago, a friend posted a FB meme that said something like, "Satan may be winning a bunch of the battles right now but make no mistake, God wins the war". That reminds me of an old Cathedral Quartet song that says, "I read the back of The Book and we win"! Isn't it awesome to have the calm assurance to know that God is still on His throne?

You can not turn on the TV, read the newspaper, or be around anyone without realizing the evil that is running rampant in our crazy upside down world today. Things going on like we have never experienced. Just this week, a major earthquake in the Philippines, wild fires every where out west, and two hurricanes predicted in the Gulf of Mexico within hours of each other. Many of our cities are burning and being destroyed by riots and social unrest and how can you even find the words to describe our politics today. A couple of the foundational things we have always turned to for relaxation and happiness, Hallmark and Disney, have in my opinion, succumb to social pressures and will share in their programming things that are just not right. I heard, "Sports Illustrated" in their swimsuit issue (I have never understood how sports and swimsuit models went together anyway but that's another subject) has or is going to feature a transgender model. The old devil must be jumping up and down in glee as he is wreaking havoc on our lives. I believe he has read the back of The Book and he knows the outcome but right now he will do all he can to destroy lives while he can and we allow him.

I pray as we face these daily battles, we know God's loving arms are wrapped all around us. There's a band of Angels camped all around us and as we face these battles we can and will win and the victory is sweet. And when the final war is fought, we know The Victor and that will be the sweetest victory of them all.

I'm feel pretty certain I have woke to this song and posted a blog maybe even more than once, but I hope you will be blessed this morning as you listen.

I pray you will have an awesome Sunday!

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