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Trust And Obey

Last night I listened to one of the Collingsworth Family's live "quarantined" concerts from their home. They have been so good and faithful to share on several occasions during this time when we may have not had much access to the music we love. Last night's Livestream was different as it featured only Kim playing beautiful hymns many I have not heard in a long time but I enjoyed several God has blessed me to wake up with recently.

One of the songs she played was "Trust And Obey". As she played and again as I woke this morning, for some reason my mind wandered back to my teenage days. It was sang during our church services but I seem to relate to our youth group singing it often as well. Needless to say I always love hearing this old hymn.

I was reading this morning about the history of this song. It was written by John H. Sammis in 1887. The story says, Mr. Sammis was given these words by a fellow minister. "I'm not quite sure - but I'm going to trust and I'm going to obey." This fellow minister jotted down these words when someone stood during a revival meeting, giving his testimony and stated these words. When given to Mr. Sammis, a beautiful hymn was born to be published in many hymnals and sung my many over the years.

The words are simple and illustrate the rewards of trusting God's word and obeying his will!

I hope you will enjoy hearing "Trust And Obey" this morning! A little surprise at the end as he will also sing, "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus".

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Wynelle Mcleod
Wynelle Mcleod
May 29, 2020

Old time favorite!


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