This is a beautiful, sweet song written by Dottie Rambo many years ago. I mentioned Jake Hess a couple of mornings ago, so I picked this recording to share this morning.
As Brother Carlisle asked Sunday morning, "who is King in our lives?' We often get caught up accumulating "things" in our lives. We can almost become obsessed. Now I like "things"! I appreciate my "stuff" and "things" that I can enjoy and make me happy. But there have been times in my life, I became so "caught up" in some of these "things" that I lost my focus on where I should have found the greatest value. The devil is constantly placing "shiny objects" in front of us! If it is hard for us as Christians not to follow these "shiny objects" how hard must it be for someone who has not placed their complete faith in Jesus?
As I say all the time, I have been so blessed and yes, so much more than I deserve. But with all the blessings I have in my life, they are nothing to compare to what awaits me when God calls me home. He said it! And, I believe it!
I pray you will be blessed hearing "Too Much To Gain To Lose" today!
I pray you will have a great day!