After waking up to this sweet hymn this morning, I started my day by going to Facebook to wish one of my best friends a happy birthday. And to a pleasant surprise, the first FB post I saw was titled, "6 Reasons We Should Trust God". 1. He Knows You By Name, 2. He Will Fight For You, 3, He Thinks About You, 4. He Has Plans For You, 5. He Is Your Refuge, and 6. He Is Always With You. I look forward to later today reading the scripture verse associated with each of these 6 reasons. The post was from my occupational therapist when I was in rehab. I am so glad that throughout my sickness and ongoing recovery, I've been supported by medical staff who put their faith and trust in Jesus. I just love the way God works!
My earliest recollection of this song was early in my life. After, "The B-I-B-L-E", "Do Lord", "Jesus Loves Me", I believe I remember singing and learning this song in Sunday School. It was one of the amazing songs I grew up listening to and singing in church services. The writer, Louisa Stead, was inspired to write this song after the tragedy of loosing her husband in a drowning accident during a picnic with their daughter. Her husband tried to save a young boy who was in the water but unfortunately both lost their lives. With the loss of her husband, Mrs. Stead and her daughter became very poor and destitute. God never left her. God always provided for her and her daughter and they made it through. Mrs. Stead learned to trust God during a most difficult time in her life and thus the words of this song. Later along with her daughter, Mrs. Stead moved to South Africa to become missionaries.
One of my fondest memories of singing this song was one night in high school. Probably 15 to 20 of us teenagers were sitting around at one of my friends' houses on the furniture and in the floor singing hymns. One of the guys was playing a guitar. There was an awesome spirit there, and we started singing "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus". I believe tears were flowing down the face of every teenager there. Those are moments that mean so much and I will never forget.
Since 1882, this song has been published in many hymnals and sung by so many. I love that even today it is one of the standard songs sang in traditional as well as contemporary services. Yes it is "sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word. Just to rest upon His promise. And to know, Thus saith the Lord".