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Though I've Failed The Lord

This week I have had several notes saying, I was wondering when you would post this one. The message would say, it was my Dad's favorite, it was sung at my Mom's funeral, or it's my favorite song. I have had this type message throughout my writing of this blog, but the past few days there have been so many. I'm thankful for that, I love hearing your stories and memories.

I feel kind of the same way this morning. I've wondered when God would wake me up with "Though I've Failed The Lord". This is one of my favorites and as you already know, I have lots of favorites. But this one has special meaning and memories for me.

I first heard "Though I Failed The Lord" in 1999. I had just moved to Columbia, SC. Mike Holcomb, The Inspirations' bass singer recorded his first solo CD titled "My Heart's Desire" and this was the number one song on the CD. Eager to hear the CD, the first song started playing and my heart was touched forever. There is no telling how many times, I played this CD and especially this song as I traveled the roads of South Carolina and the years since. I'm not sure, but if I went out right now and checked the car's CD player, this CD is probably in the player. The Inspirations recorded "Though I've Failed The Lord" on their "Sooner The Better" CD a year or so later.

Some of you may remember, last summer, I asked Brother John for some time one Sunday morning to tell my story. As I cried all the way through telling my story, I concluded by trying to sing "Though I've Failed The Lord" still with the tears flowing. I'm am so blessed. Even though I have failed the Lord so many times, over and over again, He has never failed me!

I was hoping to link to Mike's recording but it's not on You Tube and I can not find another link. So, I will link to the quartet version. I hope you will enjoy listening and pray this song helps make for a great start to your Sunday morning!

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