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This Is The Christmas Story

Happy Christmas Eve! This morning I can not help but think of so many Christmas Eves over the years especially when I was younger. The excitement of knowing that night we would go to bed and wake with all of our gifts. It was always so hard to sleep on Christmas Eve. But this morning, I'm also thinking about the Christmas Eves when I was a teenager and working at the Milton Bradley discount toy store. Oh my goodness, the store would be almost fully stocked as the morning started and as the day ended, you would look around and the store would be practically empty. It was busy, crazy and fun as many were making their last minute gift purchases. As a teenager, I learned so much working for Milton Bradley that helped me throughout my life. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to work with them as my first job.

A lot has changed in my 66 years of the Christmas stories I could tell. It doesn't matter, through good or difficult times, one thing has not changed and that's the joy and hope that comes with Christmas. It doesn't matter who tries to make Christmas something different. Some of our politicians and government leaders may have even tried to "cancel" Christmas this year during this pandemic. But no matter how hard they may try, it will never happen because Christmas is real, Christmas happened and the "real" story of Christmas will continue to be told.

I hope you will enjoy hearing The Inspirations sing "This Is This Christmas Story". I pray you will have a very blessed Christmas Eve.

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