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The Old Country Church

One of my old favorite quartet songs, I believe because it incorporates some of the old precious hymns as the choruses. It's hard for me to listen to the song without fond memories of my early days of attending many of these "country churches". With old time singing, praying, preaching, shouting, even some of the "city churches" called themselves "country churches".

I was blessed to have been able to sit under the preaching of two uncles who were "old time preachers". I loved my Uncle Ralph and Uncle Donald and always loved to be in services with them and hear them preach. I remember services at Bethel, Amicola, Carmel, Coal Mountain, Sharp Mountain, Holly Springs, Ophir, Goshen, Micha, Juno, Yellow Creek, Four Mile, Nelson and if I thought longer I know there are so many other "country churches" where I have attended services, worshipped and sang.

As I think about all of these "country churches" they all had quite a bit in common. At one time. services were probably held only once or twice a month. Most were simple structures, free of ornamentation except all had a steeple reaching towards the heavens. And I suspect, each steeple was equipped with a large bell that was rung to announce "the call" to worship. On the hallowed property of the church, you would almost always find a cemetery, consecrated to be the final resting place of the founding members and the faithful who attended the church over the years. Many of the churches were not built on a main road, but nestled back in some community to be closer to the homes of the parishioners. But perhaps they were tucked back away from the main roads for more peace, quiet, or simply solitude. The churches were small and the pews would be full as people would come from all around, often driving miles to be part of the service. They would wear their "Sunday best" but often the "Sunday best" for men would be freshly pressed overalls. Oh what singing, oh what preaching, oh what praying, oh what shouting (I wrote about that song several blogs ago) … the services were memorable. And who can forget when they had "dinner on the grounds". Talk about some good country cooking and wonderful fellowship.

I was in the area of a couple of these "country churches" recently and my description no longer applies. The city of Atlanta has sprawled out further and some of those "country churches" are now right in the middle of major roads, shopping centers and in close proximity to even a Starbucks. (What is this world coming too? LOL) I guess we can call it progress and change and I'll try to find the good in that.

You may ask, why am I writing this long boring post about "country churches"? Well, first I woke up to this old song (and early I might add LOL). Second, I have had "country churches" on my mind recently. There are few things I find more beautiful than driving by or up to an old "county church" for the first time. I can't help but think about the number of services that have been held in that sacred building, the number of souls saved or lives rededicated to serving God.

For many years, I have had an idea for a project about "country churches". But due to work and any other excuse I could find, I never gave my idea a chance. But now, it crosses my mind again (and pretty regular I might add) so it may be time for me to finally put some action to my idea. So "stay tuned" and I might be able to share more about my idea and have something else to excite you with. LOL But for now, I hope you will enjoy hearing "The Old Country Church" from one of the old Gaither videos.

I hope you have a great day and we will see you in prayer meeting this evening!

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