I suspect we all remember the Bible story from when we were children; the story of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego. Daniel tells about these 3 men who stood before the king and the king commanded them thrown into the fiery furnace. And to the king's amazement he looked into the furnace and saw a fourth man whose image was like the Son of God.
I certainly remember, as this miracle was reinforced in my heart and mind for many years, as the teenage boy's quartet would sing "The Fourth Man" every time we would sing. What a joy for me to remember those days and remember David, David, Bob and Ms. Wade and the wonderful experiences I had with them. In fact, "The Fourth Man" was one of the songs we sang just a few years ago when we all gathered to celebrate Ms. Wade's 89th birthday. It was one of the first songs we learned and it was one of the last songs we would sing so many years later.
"Here is a story from the Good Book we know.
A story 'bout a miracle that happened long ago.
We hope that you'll take courage when temptation you meet.
There's somebody watchin' you who's strong when you're weak.
They wouldn't bend
They held onto the will of God so we are told.
They wouldn't bow
They would not bow their knees to the idol made of gold.
They wouldn't burn
They were protected by the fourth man in the fire,
They wouldn't bend, they wouldn't bow, they wouldn't burn."
God is so good!!! He was good to Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego back in the Biblical days. He is good to all of us today and He will always be. As proof, a phone clip video surfaced a few months ago of the boy's quartet singing "The Fourth Man" at that last gathering. The good news is God has not gave me the knowledge as to how to post it in this blog. (You're welcome. LOL)
But I will share a couple of You Tube links to this fun, hand clapping, toe tapping song about this incredible miracle and a song that brings me great memories. I hope you will enjoy!
A vintage Statesman video:
And a later version by the Anchormen:
I hope you will have a Happy Saturday!