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Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

In a world of wealth and poverty. In a world of good health and great sickness. In our brightness moments or darkest days. Regardless of our state of mind or being, one thing is for sure, Jesus loves us and wants us to know and love Him.

I've said it a million times since I've started writing these morning posts, but I am so blessed and so very thankful for His blessing on me. I have so much to be thankful for. I could write for days, listing the things I have been blessed with and by. But I would have nothing, except by the Grace of God. I'm reminded of the little picture of two boys talking and one asks the other "Are you related to anyone famous?" The other little boy responded by saying, "I don't want to brag but I heard my Dad calling God his father". Well, I'm going to brag and say I'm glad to say that God is my father and I'm thankful to be a child of the King!

The lyrics of "Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me" are really quite simple yet the message for all of us is so powerful. The song was written by James Easter with the help of his two brothers. Mr. Easter was a convicted felon, a recovering alcoholic and fresh out of prison. While having nothing of material wealth like many around him, he had his family and his basic needs of life but most of all he had his new found salvation in Jesus! My research this morning shows the song was written in 1975 but I seem to remember singing it earlier in the 70's. (So I've got to decide should I trust the internet or my memory. LOL) It is beautiful song that our group enjoyed singing some time in the 70's and brings back many fond memories.

Again, thanks to the Gaither videos, I will post Jeff and Sheri Easter singing this touching song. I hope you will enjoy and give thanks for your many blessings!

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