Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I have so much to be thankful for!!! Even in 2020 with all the things we have experienced, God has blessed me more than I deserve! He always has!!!! I feel the urge to try to write a list sharing with you all the many things that come to mind this morning, I will resist that urge as I will still be typing this time next year.
Last Sunday morning, our guest speaker urged us to think about Thanksgiving this year in "tenses" ... past, present and future. He urged us to think about God's blessings from the past, what is happening today and thanking Him for what He will do in the future. He gave us a "homework" assignment. Now I have never cared too much for "homework" but I found his assignment to be quite easy and I was able to complete it with no problem. The assignment was to list 3 things from our past we are most thankful for. I will share my 3!
Thank You Lord for saving my soul!
Thank You Lord for being raised in a Christian home with and extended Christian family.
Thank You Lord for being with me during my time of sickness and Your healing so I can serve You one more day!
As I said earlier, I could continue the list as He has been so good to me and I can not thank Him enough. Today as we celebrate "Thanksgiving" I hope all of us will take time to give thanks and acknowledge all of the goodness that we have been so blessed with. I know this year has been difficult and a challenge for all of us. I know many of our "family traditions" may have changed for our "Thanksgivings" this year but let's "Praise God from whom all blessing flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! "
I was blessed to wake up to "Thank You Lord For Saving My Soul". A song (but I should say chorus) I learned many years ago as a young kid and this year I find myself singing or humming it quite often. The simple words of the chorus captures the very essence of the most important thing in my life I have to be thankful for yesterday, today and forever!
I pray you will have a blessed Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Gary and family, love y’all