I wish I had some way to write in the first few words of the post everything that is on my mind and in my heart this morning. But I can't and if I could it would be a garbled mess that nobody would understand so I will try to communicate my thoughts the best I can!
The song (or should I say chorus) I woke up to this morning I have not heard or thought of in a long time. It is a simple chorus. I believe, I learned in Sunday School when I was a very young kid and it was a chorus sung often in praise in every church I attended growing up. I have so much to be thankful for, but this simple chorus captures the very most important thing I have in my life to be thankful for. I keep saying simple chorus, but did you know this chorus actually has verses? I didn't until I was trying to decide on a link to post and I did a little research. I had only heard it sang as chorus.
This simple chorus and profound hymn was written by Beth and Seth Sykes, traveling evangelists in the United Kingdom and it was first published in 1940.
"Some thank the Lord for friends and home, For mercies sure and sweet; But I would praise Him for His grace — In prayer I would repeat:
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul, Thank You, Lord, for making me whole; Thank You, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free.
Some thank Him for the flow’rs that grow, Some for the stars that shine; My heart is filled with joy and praise Because I know He’s mine.
I trust in Him from day to day, I prove His saving grace; I’ll sing this song of praise to Him Until I see His face."
I wonder how many times the chorus has been sung, not just in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, or Church Services, but I wonder how many times we have hummed it in our thoughts. I know I have many times and I suspect you have also.
But why this song this morning? A question I ask so many mornings. But as you may could tell in the first few words of this morning's post, there is not a reason for me to ask the question this morning. After yesterday, I should not be surprised, if God wanted to start my day again with a song like this one. But I have so many memories and thoughts, I see no way I could share them all in a blog post.
It was good to be in the House of The Lord yesterday. With wonderful singing, preaching. and being with church family who love worshipping and serving God. But most important are the 4 young people who made the most important decision of their lives. Thank you Lord for saving their souls! I wish I could capture every moment of yesterday in my words of this post so you might enjoy the joy I felt all day long.
As I left church last night, I had time to reflect on the joys in my life. The many things I have to be thankful for. The blessings I have received. As I lay my head on pillow last night and said my final prayers for the day, I believe, my heart was smiling, knowing God was already beginning His work preparing me for a new day! I'm glad I know who the Lord is and I thank Him for saving my soul!