Early in my life, I often thought of Wednesday night Prayer Meeting as a "Sweet Hour Of Prayer". Actually, I still do! What an amazing time, when people of like minds, come together, making their wants and wishes known, and lifting their voices together to our Heavenly Father. What a powerful experience to petition God with our requests. With this pandemic it has been almost a year since we have been able to gather on Wednesday nights in a "Sweet Hour Of Prayer". Maybe soon we will again!
As I have grown older, I find myself spending more time in prayer than I ever have before. Perhaps I find my needs and the needs of my friends and family seem greater today than before. Perhaps its just the times we are living in. But I think, that as I have aged, I have learned those precious moments in conversation with God are more valuable and brings joy and a peace and comfort that is difficult for me to explain. Of course, I know God knows our thoughts and our hearts every second of ever day, but when we take the time, a minute or an hour, to commune directly with Him, I believe He listens and perhaps even smiles that we stopped and spoke directly with Him.
"Sweet Hour Of Prayer" is an old hymn that I will never tire of hearing. I pray you will be blessed reading and hearing the words this great old hymn today!
"Sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer!
Thy wings shall my petition bear
To Him whose truth and faithfulness
Engage the waiting soul to bless.
And since He bids me seek His face,
Believe His Word and trust His grace
I’ll cast on Him my every care,
And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer."