"O blessed tho’t sweet rest will come,
Some glad day after while;
When all our earthly toil is done,
There’ll come a glad day after while.
O after while, after while
There’ll come a glad day after while,
There’ll come a glad day after while.
These heavy burdens we’ll lay down,
Some glad day after while;
When we receive our heav’nly crown,
There’ll come a glad day after while.
Our suff’ring too will all be past,
Some glad day after while;
When we shall find sweet rest at last,
There’ll come a glad day after while.
All war and strife will soon be o’er, Some glad day after while; We’ll find sweet peace on heaven’s shore, There’ll come a glad day after while."
I hope you enjoy hearing "Some Glad Day" today as much as I have it enjoyed it this morning and over the years!
I pray you will have a blessed day!