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Prepare To Meet Thy God

“Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”

Amos 4:12 KJV

Years ago, I remember seeing street corner preachers and others, standing on corners as well as other places. Often the poster board signs they would be holding would say "Prepare To Meet God". You also would see the "John 3:16" signs. Perhaps, I stopped noticing them as much or maybe people were just not called any longer to share their ministry in this manner. But I have noticed more of this type ministry recently. With the events of recent months across the world, if people are not ready to meet God, today would be the day to make things right with Him. As I have said in several of my morning posts, I believe it's up to each of us to share and show our testimony and what God means to us in our lives so others can hear and see their need to accept Christ. If God calls us to stand on a street corner to hold a sign that says prepare to meet Him we should.

This morning, I woke to a song I do not recall hearing in many years. Again, my memory takes me back to those old time revivals at country churches or under brush arbors. The congregation would lift their voices with great passion as they sang the message in the words of "Prepare To Meet Thy God".

"Careless soul, oh, heed the warning,

For your life will soon be gone;

Oh, how sad to face the judgment,

Unprepared to meet thy God."

I woke to hearing a congregation singing out this old hymn. But as I try to find a version to share, I find it to be difficult. Apparently, "Prepare To Meet Thy God" was not recorded by many or at least not shared online. There are many sermons shared online entitled "Prepare To Meet God" but very few of the hymn. I hope you will be blessed by hearing a blue grass version.

I pray your week will be amazing!

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