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Oh Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem

"Oh star of wonder, star of night

Star with royal beauty bright;

Westward leading, still proceeding

Guide us to thy perfect light."

We Three Kings

Did you see "The Star" last night? I found it to be extremely amazing and comforting. I could not help but wonder what everyone thought when they first saw this "New Star" shining brightly in the night sky and then for the shepherds to hear the Angel proclaim Christ The Savior was born. Can you imagine the excitement of traveling to see Jesus and then then finding Him and the emotions that were felt. The greatest gift ever given laying in the manger and just waiting for us to receive Him as God's gift to us.

We have all talked about it in one way or another for months, but 2020 has been a difficult year in so many ways. Our lives have forever been changed with separation, sickness, death. We have had church services suspended, business closures, quarantines and the list goes on. Even our Christmas celebrations at our churches and our family traditions have been disrupted with this challenging virus. It is so sad and I often sit with tears in my eyes at the impact it has had on everyone but especially those close to me.

Last night, seeing "the star" on the shortest day of the year, the darkest night of the year and the beginning of winter, brought to me a special warmth to my soul. It reinforced the gladness, hope, and joy we have in Jesus Christ! During trying times and difficult days, we have Jesus who will never leave us or forsake us and brings a peace and comfort that passes all understanding.

I loved waking to "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem". I can not hear this wonderful old song without thinking about my sweet Grandmother. I can not count the number of times, I heard her sweet soft voice sing "Oh Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem" as she rocked one of the grandkids to sleep. And it didn't matter it wasn't Christmas!

I hope you will enjoy listening this morning and I pray you will have a good Tuesday!

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Wynelle Mcleod
Wynelle Mcleod
22 ธ.ค. 2563

Beautiful song and so appropriate, Merry Christmas and love to you and family!


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