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O, The Glory Did Roll

What a great way to start my day hearing one of my favorite Dad Speer songs. It brings back so many memories.

I mention memories a lot. Perhaps I live too much in the past (and I have a lot of past to live in LOL). I enjoy remembering so many of the past days the Lord gave me. Some good. Some not so good but even those that were not so good, I can now remember and learn and appreciate what they did to help create who I am today. Yesterday, is now a memory that I will love remembering. I had a great lunch with a special friend and it will a day, an event, a great few moments to reflect back on and love remembering the memory. Perhaps it's because I like to eat or the company I keep, but I sure have had some special lunches over the years. I have enjoyed those special lunches and today, I love remembering those special moments.

"O, The Glory Did Roll" is one of those songs that trigger so many memories. From revival meetings, to singings I was attending, country churches with the windows open, and funeral home fans waving and people singing with great rejoicing. People just sang with great voice and I have a feeling you could hear them from miles around. Oh, how the glory did roll!

But I can not mention this song without mentioning the time I was in Long Term Care. Laying there, not being able to move, talk, drink or anything were some difficult days. I missed eating, drinking, talking, working and all the things I had been able to do before. One of the things I missed was what I call "my music". I was so thankful when I was strong enough to press the buttons on my phone and make my way to You Tube and listen to "my music". It was amazing "therapy". There is no telling the number of times I played "O, The Glory Did Roll". Of course there were others I listened too, but this is one that stands out in my memory.

I hope you will enjoy hearing it today!

I pray your Tuesday will be amazing!

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