If it's possible to have an old time revival meeting by yourself early on a rainy Monday morning, I just did! For the past couple of hours, I have been listening to many different renditions of this beautiful old chorus on You Tube. It brings back so many memories. But it is also one of the choruses I often sing or hum when I'm by myself working in the yard, in the car of just anywhere when I'm alone fellowshipping with God.
I grew up listening and singing to "O How I Love Jesus" mostly as a chorus. The Church Hymnal we used in services, the first verse started, "Alas! and did my Savior bleed". It is my understanding that the author of the chorus of "O How I Love Jesus" is not known and it may have been around for centuries with others writing verses to go with the chorus as the years have gone by. Some of my favorite verses were written Fredrick Whitfield in the mid 1800's.
"There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
it sounds like music in my ear,
the sweetest name on earth.
It tells me of a Savior's love,
who died to set me free;
it tells me of His precious blood,
the sinner's perfect plea."
Another version, popular with "O How I Love Jesus" is "To Me It's So Wonderful".
"When I should feel lonely
When I should feel sad
I'm so contented and my heart is glad
Joy bells are ringing
And my soul is singing
It's wonderful to know He is mine!
When I am feeling lonely
My heart's filled with gloom
God sends His angels to sing in my room
I join the singing
For I can't decline
I know, I know that Jesus is mine."
I could go on and on telling about my memories of services I have been in when "O How I Love Jesus" has been sung. Most often it was when the Spirit was moving and everyone just seem to "break out" singing it! I remember hearing and seeing a recording of Elvis sitting at a piano after one of his concerts, playing and singing it in his hotel room. I always loved hearing Jake Hess sing it. Carrie Underwood included it in her new, very popular "My Savior" recording. Again, I could go on and on. This morning I have listened to traditional, contemporary. country, bluegrass, spiritual, young and old alike versions of this wonderful song. I love hearing children sing it! I believe it is a favorite of many. It is of mine!
I pray you will enjoy "O How I Love Jesus" today as much as I have.
I pray for God's blessings for you today!