"My Jesus, I Love Thee" is a song I have heard and loved my whole life. Hearing it this morning as my wake up song was a real blessing but as I lay there, I thought, I know very little about this song. My entire life, I have simply enjoyed the beautiful words of assurance, faith, comfort and peace. But after a little reading this morning, I found the beautiful story of this great hymn and it's no wonder why it has stood the test of time.
It is believed this song was written in 1864 by William R. Featherstone at the age of 16 following his conversion. It was written and sent as a poem to his aunt who lived in Los Angeles. Mr. Featherstone lived his entire life in Montreal, but somehow, the words made their way to London and was published anonymously in a London hymnal 2 years later. Adoniram Judson Gordon was publishing a Baptist Hymnal and he liked the text of "My Jesus, I Love Thee" but thought it needed a different tune. (It's hard to satisfy a Baptist isn't it? LOL) The tune was changed and is still used today. What I find remarkable is how this wonderful hymn came to be, passing from a poem as a young boy to his aunt, through different countries and different people to now one of our most beloved hymns. Mr. Featherstone died at the age of 28 and never knew how his simple poem became a hymn that has blessed so many people. I believe this is truly an example of how our God works in mighty ways!
I sometime, wake up and know exactly the group or artist I will post but sometimes when its and older hymn, I am not sure who I am hearing. Many times, as this morning, it will be a congregation lifting their voices in song. On these mornings, I enjoy going thru You Tube and listening to several before I decide what link to post. I pray that God will bless you as you listen to this old hymn sung by a group called Anthem Lights!