It's Sunday morning and God blessed me with a beautiful wakeup song written by Stuart Hamblen in the early 1950's. It has been sung by many but I suspect when you see the title, if you remember the song, you will think of Elvis Presley. As a young person, I listened to Mom's album and Elvis singing "Known Only To Him" so many times.
"Known only to Him are the great hidden secrets. I'll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim. I know not what the future holds, But I know who holds the future. It's a secret known only to Him.
In this world of fear and doubt, On my knees I ask the question, Why a lonely, heavy cross I must bear? Then He tells me in my prayer, It's because I am trustworthy. He gives me strength far more than my share.
Known only to Him are the great hidden secrets. I'll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim. I know not what the future holds, But I know who holds the future.
It's a secret known only to Him."
I hope you will enjoy hearing "Known Only To Him" as I did this morning!
As I was looking for the video link to share, I found another one I enjoyed. It's of The Statesmen singing this amazing song many years ago with Jake Hess singing the verse. As I have said many times, I loved Jake Hess, a very special person and a great southern gospel singer. I hope you will enjoy this old video also.
I hope to see you in church with our masks and social distancing of course. Aren't you glad that while we may all have to take these precautions, God has never social distanced with us and wants to go hand in hand with us every where we go?