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Jesus Loves Me

I love waking up everyday but there is just something extra special about Sunday morning! As I woke to "Jesus Loves Me", I immediately thought about so many Sunday mornings growing up and the sweet memories. "Jesus Loves Me" is a song familiar to everyone as most of us learned it at home, during Sunday School or Vacation Bible School and may be it was one of the first songs we ever learned.

Sunday mornings were special at my house. Every one getting ready for church. The sound of good gospel music as "The Jubilee" was playing on TV. For some reason, I'm remembering today, Dad warming the Krispy Kreme doughnuts for breakfast. Many Saturday nights, we would ride to downtown Atlanta to Krispy Kreme and get some doughnuts for Sunday breakfast. A dozen original and a dozen cream filled. Why this comes to mind this morning, I don't know but I love the memory.

I often wonder, will the children today, 50 to 60 years from now have a memory of Sunday mornings that they will cherish? The past year, it's been difficult to get ready to attend churches since they have been closed. The Gospel Jubilee is no longer on and you can buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts at grocery stores and convenience stores. But I pray, families are doing things to make Sunday mornings special as they are!

"Jesus Loves Me" has been on my mind a lot lately. Just the other day, someone posted on FB the words, Jesus loves me, and one of my sweet church member friends almost immediately posted a comment, "the Bible tells me so". I think it's fair to say she probably learned the sweet song and it's been a part of her entire life. I told someone the other day, I might just sing "Jesus Loves Me" the next time I have the honor and privilege to sing at church. I've been thinking about the teenage girls group that sang in my church. They sang "Jesus Loves Me" in a way like I have never heard before and I have never heard since. I wish I could! It's such a simple, sweet song with a meaning that no one can argue with.

I pray you will have an amazing Sunday and enjoy hearing this great old song, "Jesus Loves Me".

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