I am blessed to wake up and share a great old song that I have always loved to hear. This is another one of those songs, I remember in church services or revival meetings and with the funeral home fans waving, the congregation would "raise the roof" lifting their voices in song.
"Jesus, Hold My Hand" was written in 1933 by Albert E. Brumley. Again, as I mentioned with another song writer, it's easy to flip through a songbook and see the influence Mr. Brumley had in the songs we have sung over the years. "I'll Fly Away", "I'll Meet You In The Morning", "If We Never Meet Again", "Turn Your Radio On", and "He Set Me Free" are just a few of the songs that Mr. Brumley shared with us during his lifetime.
I don't necessarily believe in coincidences as I know God has a plan for everything that happens but I will share with you what happened this morning, I will just call it a "God Wink". A few weeks ago, I received a new debit card for an account I rarely use. For some reason, after I opened the mail, I stuck it inside one of my song books that sits by my chair. As I sometimes do, this morning as I started to write this post, I reached for songbook, turned to the index to find "Jesus, Hold My Hand" it showed page 408. I turned to 408 and there was the new debit card. Perhaps this morning God blessed me with a great old song and also reminded me I need to activate the new card.
I'm not sure how many times, The Bible speaks of Jesus taking us by our hand or us needing to hold to His hand, but I know it's a lot. It's also been written about in so many songs I have loved over the years. I hope you will enjoy hearing "Jesus, Hold My Hand" this morning as you begin your new week!