What a glorious morning!!! But aren't they all? This morning for me may just be a little more special as I get to share my morning song. how blessed I am and how God works and surprises us with special blessings when we least expect it!
I believe it was Sunday morning I woke up to and shared my morning song, "Wonder Of It All". I talked about my attempt at learning a new photography skill and taking close ups of my flowers and stuff. I love nature, flowers, birds (mosquitos not so much) but all the things God has created. Being in nature, whether it's camping in the great outdoors or sitting on my porch it's just hard not to feel close to God and the joy he has for us!
[Side note: A few days ago, I saw my first hummingbird of the season and as I write this there's one at the feeder having a goodtime! OK focus, back to the blog, Gary]
Mid morning yesterday, I walked outside to fill the birdfeeders and I found a surprise on my front door step. It was from a special group of friends some I have known for a very long time. The surprise was a box full of supplies for my birds and my garden. But these thoughtful friends also included a couple of other very special items.
This block of wood with this beautiful painting and words from "In The Garden" was one of the "goodies". This item is special for so many reasons. One, my sweet friends sent it to me. But the song "In The Garden" has meant a lot to me for many years. I have spoke of Mom's Elvis album and how many times I listened to it when I was just a kid. "In The Garden" was one of the songs I remembered most and has stayed with me my entire life. I have always enjoyed gardens and their beauty. I use to love going to Callaway and enjoying the vast splendor of God's creation. Almost everywhere I have ever lived I have had a garden of some sort. My last house in Atlanta, I created a nature trail, down the hill with a winding path to the creek and through the woods to the other side of the lot. I planted a lot of plants, I had couple of benches and I built a swing arbor all to have a place, to relax. read, listen to music and enjoy and thank God for His blessings. Maybe there was, but I don't think there was ever a time, when I went to my garden to relax, that "In The Garden" did not come to my mind and I often would hum or sing it. Monday evening, I was looking at my "new" pictures I have made of my flowers. I thought, this brings me lots of pleasure but I would like to share. Long story short, I thought I can make a video and I'll use "In The Garden" as the background music. I thought, surely I have a copy I could use in the garage (and I quickly thought not a very good option LOL) Maybe I can find a download on the computer. I thought maybe I could get my musician friends, Karen, Linda, Prissy, Danny, or my cousin Teresa to play and record it for me. Well, it's a work in progress but then I wake up to "In The Garden" this morning. Coincidence? I don't think so. I just think this is one of the ways God works and pours out His blessing all over us.
"In The Garden" was written by C. Austin Miles in 1913. Mr. Miles wrote many songs but this is probably his most recorded and sung. There's very few gospel or country artists who have not recorded "In The Garden". It has also been sung and recorded by many pop artists. It is said, Mr. Miles stated, "It is a writer of gospel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of most use to my Master, whom I serve willingly although not as efficiently as is my desire."
It has been rare for me to wake up with a song that has been so much on my mind the past few days. I so many times have expected it but God always has different plans but not this morning. I am so blessed and today I know will be an amazing day!
There are so many links to this amazing song. The one I'm going to post caught my ear and the videography, I think was perfect for the song, so hope you will enjoy hearing "In The Garden".