it was probably around 1968 or 1969 when I first heard "I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him". It was at quartet practice, the copies of the music were passed around and the four of us read along as Ms. Wade played through the song. As I have had said on several occasions, Ms. Wade had a very special talent for selecting the songs she thought would be good for us to learn and sing. It was no different with "I Want To Be Ready" as it quickly became one of the songs we would often sing and I personally loved when we did.
It's kind of funny when I think back 50 years ago and remember those days as if they were yesterday when sometimes I can hardly remember yesterday. LOL I think that says, Ms. Wade, the 3 other guys and the opportunity to sing for our Lord had an impact on me and influenced my life in such a remarkable and special way. As I have said many times, I am so blessed.
As I was learning to sing "I Want To Be Ready", I had no idea the writer of this song also wrote another song that impacted me tremendously in my early childhood days. "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem" was Grandma's song and I suspect there was not many of her grandchildren she did not hold in her rocker and in her soft sweet voice sing "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem" and it didn't have to be Christmas. "I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him" and "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem were only two of over 4000 songs written by Adger M. Pace in his lifetime. "That Glad Reunion Day", "I Can Tell You The Time", "I Found The Way" , "The Heavenly Parade", "Old Camp Meeting Days", "He's My King" are just a few more he is given credit for writing. In total disclosure, I should also mention that while I understand the words of "I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him" was written by Mr. Pace, the tune was composed by G. T. "Dad" Speer. I'm thankful for Mr. Pace, Dad Speer and all of the other songwriters who were inspired to write songs that have been a part of my entire life.
"You may have your worldly pleasures, your silver and your gold,
You may pile up all the riches that this old world can hold;
But I’d rather have my Savior and with Him firmly stand,
For I want to be ready to meet Him in the glory-land.
I want to be ready to meet Him by and by,
I want to be ready to meet Him in the sky;
O, I want to be more like him, and do his best command,
For I want to be ready to meet Him in the glory-land."
I hope you will enjoy hearing "I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him" this morning and pray you will have a blessed Friday!