There was a line in the sweet prayer I posted yesterday where she prayed, "Shine Your light through us and guide us to anyone who may not know You." Her sweet prayer obviously touched me as I posted it yesterday, thought about it's message all day and as I start my morning today, it's still on my mind. I love reading this prayer and thankful for this young lady's life and commitment to serving her Lord.
I love seeing young people who have a testimony, a devotion, prayerful life, who I think are truly desiring to be more like Jesus everyday. I regret the many years where I failed to serve Him the way I believed, the way I had been taught. While I never stop loving the gift of my salvation of accepting Jesus, I'm pretty sure there were many times others could not see His light shining through me. I pray now, I want to be more like Jesus everyday.
"I Want To Be More Like Jesus Everyday" is an old southern gospel quartet favorite. I remember groups singing it back in the day when I was singing as a teenager. It is a song I wish our group incorporated into our singings but we never did. It's a song I don't hear too much anymore but that doesn't mean I like it less. It was a joy to wake to hearing it this morning!
I hope you will enjoy listening to the words of "I Want To Be More Like Jesus Everyday" and I pray you will have a blessed day!