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I've Been To Calvary

This morning I woke up to a sweet memory and a beautiful song. Another song I have not thought of or heard in a long time. It's difficult for me to understand why I haven't thought about this song every day over the years. After all, it is a song that had a tremendous impact on my life when I was younger.

The pastor of our church, we all called him Buster, loved this song. Buster was a preacher, an old time country preacher and he was a good preacher and pastor. Buster was not a singer but he loved singing this song and he always wanted the quartet I was with to sing it with him. We loved singing it with him and I promise it was spirit filled. Several of you who read my blog will no doubt remember. I do not recall ever hearing Buster sing any other song. This was Buster's song and it is a precious memory!

I'm thankful I've been to Calvary. I can say I've seen the Lord. I've been to Calvary through the witness of His Word. Each day at Calvary, what a thrill of love divine. Just to know that the Savior is mine! I love these inspired words and I'm so blessed to not only to have been woke this morning by them, but to have had the opportunity and privilege to sing "I've Been To Calvary" with Buster. I hope you will enjoy it this morning!

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