It's Friday and after yesterday, it's nice to look outside this morning and begin to see a little sunshine as it starts peaking through the remaining clouds. Yesterday was a difficult weather day and we need to remember those in prayer who face the difficult clean up and rebuilding tasks and especially the families who lost loved ones.
The McKamey's retired a year or so ago and I was glad to hear, Connie, Roger and Levi have decided to continue the legacy and begin singing and traveling again. I believe I mentioned the other morning, I watched a You Tube concert the other night and they sang a few songs. I'm not sure if they sang "I Made It By Grace" but it sure was good to wake to hearing it this morning!
"I live each day in victory, because of the One who lives in me
I found every promise He ever made, Jesus will keep
He's walked by my side in desert dry,
loved me and held me when I cried
So, let me sing you one more song, in case I leave."
The writer of the last week's Sunday School lesson wrote and highlighted "We are completely dependent on the grace of God". Just as children look to their father in dependence, trust, hope, and humility, God calls for us to look to Him in the same manner. And while I am so underserving of His grace I am so thankful for his amazing grace in my life!
I pray you will be blessed hearing The McKameys sing this wonderful song today!
I pray you will have a great Friday!