It seems I mention often how much I enjoy the songs by Mosie Lister. It was a joy to wake up to another one he wrote I suspect in the mid to late 1950's. I believe you will enjoy hearing this hand clapping, toe tapping song today!
Speaking of Mosie Lister, yesterday a dear friend was conducting an estate sale close to where I had lunch. I usually don't do estate sales or yard sales but since it was close and a friend was managing it, I decided to stop by. Of course it was late in the day so all the good stuff was gone. But as I started to leave, I noticed on a table a book "Jubilee". It was a book of songs for a Senior Adult Choir arranged my Mosie Lister. So, I found a treasure at the estate sale and it was only a dollar. There were other copies but I only needed one. "I'm Feelin Fine" was not in this collection but there were several other of my favorites!
It appears it will be a rainy Sunday morning but it's still a beautiful day to attend Sunday School and worship services. I pray you will have a blessed day!