Thank you Lord for this song today. Lord, I'm thankful for all the songs you bless me with. They lift me up when I may be down. They draw me closer to you. They strengthen my faith. Thank you Lord!
How often have I said "I'll Pray For You" to someone? How often has someone said these words to me? Do we mean them or do we simply say them to make someone feel better about their circumstances? I believe these are powerful words and I believe they are offered by most people with the true intention to lift their voices and thoughts to God.
Prayer is powerful and it is our way to not only communicate with God but to also listen to Him. Throughout God's Word we are encouraged to pray and seek his guidance, direction and help. We are also encouraged to pray for each other and we are assured of God's promise to hear and answer our prayers. I consider prayer one of my greatest privileges and honors to talk with God anytime, anywhere, about anything.
With recent events, the words "I'll Pray For You" are more meaningful than ever. Praying for each other during times of sickness and health, transitional times, for specific needs of individuals and groups of people like our country, our families, our church, our churches could never be more important than today.
"I'll pray for you. You pray for me. And together we'll touch Heaven from our knees."
I hope you will be blessed today as you listen to the words of this song. I pray you will have a tremendous Monday!
Beautiful song, always sweet prayers and talks with our Savior Jesus Christ!