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I Know My Name Is There

What a joy to wake up to this old hymn this morning! But first, since I asked for prayers for Brittany yesterday, I will give an update.

Just before prayer meeting last night, I received a text with what we all read as good news. After a long day of surgery, the doctors feel they were able to remove the tumor and all the bad cells. Reconstruction took a little longer than expected due to the previous surgery scarring and radiation, but she was in recovery and they were pleased with how well she did. It will be a long recovery but I'm sure this precious child of God, will approach it with the same spirit as she did previously and will give God the glory for all things. Thank you for praying yesterday and I know they would appreciate continued prayers.

"I Know My Name Is There" is another song I have loved hearing my entire life even though I do not recall hearing it recently. This is another song that brings back memories of Dad, as he would often pick this song as one he would lead the congregation in singing when he was called on to lead. Last night, Brother Noah's message was "That You May Know'. A powerful message, that distinguished between knowing Jesus and really knowing Jesus! I'm glad this morning, and so very thankful that I really know Jesus, his authority and power to heal and forgive us of our sins. I'm reminded of the song, "If You Knew Him Like I Know Him".

"My name is in the book of Life, Oh, bless the name of Jesus; I rise above all doubt and strife, and read my title clear. I know, I truly know my name is written there." The words of this song was written in 1893 by D. S. Warren and has been published in numerous hymnals and sung by congregations and groups so many times.

In Luke 10:20, Jesus said, 'Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven.” Isn't it an awesome feeling to know, when you accept Christ, your name is written in Heaven?

I hope you will enjoy hearing this old hymn this morning!

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