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I Know He Heard My Prayer

“Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.” John 11:41

The past few days, I have thought a lot about the songwriters of so many of my favorite songs and hymns. I've thought about Fanny Crosby, Mosie Lister, G.T. "Dad" Speer, Charles Wycuff, Colbert and Joyce Croft, The Gaithers, and I could go on. (I know I should never start a list because I don't know when to stop as I may leave someone off who I intended to mention.) I am thankful for how God has used them to take words and compose songs creating a message that is so powerful that it touches hundreds of thousands of lives for years and years. I mean I have trouble grouping a few words together to make a sentence that makes sense.

"I Know He Heard My Prayer" is another one of those great old songs written by one of those amazing songwriters, Vep Ellis. You can take most older songbooks, flip the pages, look at the song title and author and Mr. Ellis' name will appear many times. And you will remember and love most of those old songs. "I Know He Heard My Prayer" is one of those that has touched me for many years as I can remember it being sung when I was very young.


The clouds have passed away, I see the light of day,

The sun is shining thru, dispelling gloom with hallelujahs;

I know that this is real, for in my heart I feel

that my Savior heard my earnest prayer.


I know He heard my prayer,

He knows my every care,…

He gives to me the blessed victory,

Oh yes ! I feel Him now,

My loyalty I vow,

I know the Savior heard my plea.

The Lord has heard my prayer, great joy is now my share,

Sweet heaven fills my soul, now I can go rejoicing on;

Oh my friend, there’s not a doubt, thank God, they’re driven out,

for He heard my prayer, my earnest prayer.

When in the future days, the fiery trials blaze,

When Satan comes to me to take away my victory,

I can point him to the time when Heaven’s light did shine,

I can say He heard my earnest prayer.

The enemy had said that my faith in God was dead,

If the way was rough, He did not care,

Thank God it is not true, Jesus thrills me thru and thru.

I know he heard my prayer, my earnest prayer.

I pray you will be blessed hearing "I Know He Heard My Prayer" today!

I hope you have an amazing day!

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