Perhaps in our lives we have many regrets. Lots of things we've done (or haven't done) and disappointments as we look back over the years. I know I can and honestly, there are many things in my life are not just disappointments or regrets but things I'm truly ashamed of. I have wondered how many opportunities have I missed because I failed to go or do where I was lead but instead I tried it my way.
But over the years of experiences, regrets and disappointments and even the times I have even been ashamed, I have known great joy and happiness. As I said yesterday, God has been so good to me. Though I have failed Him many times, He has never failed me!
I don't recall hearing this song in many years. In fact, I don't remember very many even singing it. I believe "I Don't Regret A Mile" was written by Howard Goodman in the mid 60's, so you can be sure The Happy Goodman Family sang it in almost all their concerts over the years. If you watched "The Gospel Jubilee" on Sunday mornings, not doubt you've heard it. The Gaither Trio also recorded it in the mid 60's. It was recorded by The Perrys on their "Remembering The Goodmans" CD in early 2000.
I hope you will enjoy listening to Vestal and Howard sing this old song today!
I pray you will have a blessed day today!!! Stay warm!!!