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I Can Trust Jesus

Yesterday evening, I was listening to a sermon by someone who I have heard sing but I have never heard him preach. His message focused how we so often loose our way. He used an analogy of how he use to hunt with a map and then the electronic device called a "Tom Tom" was introduced. He said now his directions for traveling came from "up there" and was sent to him "down here'. Of course, we are all familiar the GPS and rely of them heavily for their directions. We almost all have a GPS device on our phones, in our cars and other places. Something "up there" knows where we are, where we want to go, and helps get us there safely. We've learned the words so well as we follow them along our journey. We listen intently for the next direction. If we make a wrong turn, the GPS will tell us to make a U-turn as soon as possible to get us back on track but the words we are eager to hear, "you have reached your destination".

But as Brother Roland suggested, isn't that the way God works? God "up there" is constantly sending us directions "down here" as we travel along life's way. He let's us know when we make a wrong turn. He gives us reassurance as we head towards our destination. But when we arrive, the words we have reached our destination, will be, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".

We trust our GPS almost completely. Rarely, we will change from the way it wants us to go. We think it knows best. The other day, I was going someplace and the GPS was taking me a way I was not familiar. I had traveled the road many times years ago and I didn't understand why it was taking me in a different direction. Hardheaded me, went the way I thought I knew only soon to realize that way was not as it once was. I was traveling in the Atlanta area and who would have thought over the years Atlanta has changed. LOL But that's what Brother Roland was preaching. Sometimes, I think I know best and fail to listen or take heed for God's directions for my life.

Isn't it good to know we have Jesus to put our total trust in? Someone who loved me so much He gave His life, so I can have eternal life. He wants me to reach "the destination" and greet me with those words we all want to hear, "Well done My good and faithful servant".

I woke to "I Can Trust Jesus" several months ago and I was happy to wake this morning hearing it again. I always love hearing the Collingsworth Family sing it and I pray you will today.

I pray you will have an amazing Monday!

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