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I Can Tell You The Time

This morning, I woke very early to one of my many favorite songs. "I Can Tell You The Time" is one that I remember about as long as I can remember. This is one I always loved hearing the quartet in the church I grew up in sing so very often.

This week, many of us watched or saw on the news, the oldest person ever, William Shatner (Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame) along with three others launch into space. That must be an exhilarating experience as I have often heard others share their feelings of looking back at earth and the emotions they felt. I was especially struck with Mr. Shatner's comments upon his return to earth as he said, "I hope I never recover from this. I hope I can maintain what I feel now. I don't want to lose it." In my opinion that's quite a reaction to a ten minute ride.

But I've got news for you. Fifty five years ago, I had an experience that changed me. That experience has kept me all these years and it's even gotten better as I've grown older and I KNOW I will have it forever. Yes! "I Can Tell You The Time" the Lord saved me!

I pray you will enjoy hearing this wonderful old song today and remember the moment the Lord saved you!

I hope you will have a great Friday!

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