After my sickness and as I've aged, I am realizing my memory is not quite as good as it once was. While I'm not brain damaged (no more today than before I got sick LOL) like one of my doctors said I might be, my memory sure fails me sometimes. But there is one occasion I will never forget. The night I was saved. When you talk to anyone who has accepted Christ as their Savior, they all remember that moment so well. Young and old alike, I have found, they may not be able to tell the exact time or sometimes the exact date but they always know the place and pretty much the time. But how could we forget making the most important decision of our lives.
I love this song and it brings back memories of my childhood. Not just of the night I got saved, but I can still hear the Merritt's Avenue Quartet sing this song. Zelda, Horace, Travis, and Bill were my first exposure to quartet singing and I loved it. These four were amazing people, were good Christians, faithful church members, they could sing and my love for quartet singing started with them. Of course I only knew them singing at church but I remember Dad telling me they had sung also during the old All Night Singings at the old City Auditorium in Atlanta. They all had beautiful voices but this morning, Bill is my favorite. Bill sang the bass part and I remember wishing I would grow up and be able to sing like him. Now I'm 65 years old and still hoping one day, I could sing like Bill. I try and will continue to try as long as God allows me.
It was a joy to wake up hearing them sing once again. Of course, I do not have a recording of them so I will have to settle for a link to another quartet singing this old song. There are a lot of choices but I decided to post the link to The Inspirations. I think by now you know they have been my favorite quartet for the past 50 years or so. I hope you will enjoy!
I'm also going to post a link to the Kingdom Heirs singing "I Can Tell You The Time". I enjoy hearing them sing and this link was a live recording. I like live recordings.