Sung and recorded by many over they years, it was joy to wake early this morning hearing The Inspirations sing, "He'll Hold My Hand" . This is not the first time as I have wrote about this song a couple of times, in fact not too many weeks ago. I believe I have shared, I often have call this my "car song" as it is one that often comes to my mind when I'm by myself riding in the car. I guess it is just one of those songs that gives me comfort and I enjoy hearing (and singing).
This morning it seems just a little more special. I have always loved hearing Ron Hutchins, one of the original Inspirations sing this particular song. Last week, Ronnie experienced the joy of feeling Jesus holding his hand as he entered Heaven. Ronnie was always one of my favorite Inspirations and he is now the second of the original Inspirations that are now singing in Heaven.
The Inspirations have recorded "He'll Hold My Hand" several times over the years beginning in 1966 on their "Cool Water" album (I believe their 2nd or 3rd). In the early 70's, Ronnie left The Inspirations to join The Lefevres and "He'll Hold My Hand" was recorded on (I believe) the first album he did with them. Several years later, Ronnie rejoined The Inspirations, sang with them for a while until he reached the point he was no longer able to travel.
The other night, I watched a sweet video. recorded not too long ago of Ronnie singing in a small church for their homecoming service. "Time Had Made A Change" from the youth of this original Inspiration as he was not able to walk too good, he had a little trouble remembering the words, but he still sung with the same love and passion for his Savior that I will always remember. Yes, and he sung "He'll Hold My Hand".
I hope "He'll Hold My Hand will be a blessing to you today!
I pray your Friday will be amazing!