"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can't tunnel thru? My God specializes in things thought impossible. And He will do what no other power can do."
I love this chorus and enjoyed waking up to it this morning! It is the very last song in the Church Hymnal, page 410. (Now just because it's the last song in the Church Hymnal, do you think it will be the last song I write about?) I do not recall hearing "Got Any Rivers" in a long time. My memory this morning comes from hearing Larry Ferguson, the organist and youth minister at Glenn Haven Baptist Church in Decatur, GA. I have spoke of Larry before in the "More About Jesus" post several weeks ago. Larry had a beautiful voice and often while playing the organ would begin singing this chorus. But he would also follow singing the chorus with another song and as hard as I've tried, I just can't seem to remember what it was. But "Got Any Rivers" is playing loud and clear.
The basic words of this chorus began actually as a slogan for a company while building the Panama Canal. Oscar C. Eliason, heard the slogan and said only God has the power to do that. Adding God and changing some words, Mr. Eliason wrote a chorus that was sang so very often over the years. A few years after writing the chorus, he added some verses about Joshua. I don't think the verses ever "caught on" like the chorus, but this simple chorus as been sung over and over again and often followed by another song of faith, inspiration or praise.
Today, our President has requested for us to have a National Day of Prayer. We all have our rivers, and mountains. Today with the challenges we face including the C-Virus, We need to bow on our knees, thank God for His blessings but also make our wants and wishes known. As Mr. Eliason said, only God has the power. He will help us cross our rivers. He will help us tunnel thru our mountains. He specializes in things thought impossible!
I pray hearing and being reminded of this sweet chorus will bring you encouragement as we enjoy Sunday!
I also found a link to a version I enjoyed listening to this morning. Dee Barker is not a person I was familiar with. She starts the song with "Got Any Rivers" but follows with a beautiful, inspirational song, "He'll Do It Again".