First let me say, I decided not to attend the concert last night as I learned early yesterday that The Inspirations were not going to be able to attend and I did not want to drive that far and get home so late just to hear the other groups.
I woke up this morning to the song, "God's Word Will Stand". I don't recall hearing it or thinking about it recently but it's an older song recorded by The Inspirations that I do not know too much about. When I got up and fixed some coffee, I thought more and more about God's word.
Have you ever bought something and on the box it says "some assembly required"? I mean sometimes when I read that I reconsider how bad I need it. But I make the purchase, go home and start the assembly. Well, after a while and it's not going together too good, I finally decide to get the assembly instructions out, read and follow them and just like that, it's together. Why didn't I use the instructions to start with? Sure would have saved a lot of time and frustration. Then as I clean up the box and packing material I find the 100 to 200 page booklet and it's says "Owner's Manual". I scratch my head and think, "Owner's Manual, it's just a chair!" But as I flip through the pages, I see cautions, how to care for the wood, how to enjoy, how to get the most happiness from my new chair, all kind of things that I may not have known or thought about to make the best use of my new purchase. It's just a chair.
I'm glad God gave us The Scriptures, His Holy Word as our assembly instructions. If we would only read them and follow His words, our lives would be put together more perfectly. And, as I see it, The Bible is our "ownership manual, teaching us to have life and have it more abundantly. Not just life here on this earth, but everlasting life! Hallelujah!
As I watch the turmoil, the chaos, the uncertainty, the hatred and division, the riots and destruction, all the stuff in this crazy world, I'm glad I have God's Word to help bring peace and comfort, to give guidance and direction, and most of all, knowing when all else fails, God's Word will stand!
I hope you will be blessed listening to this song today.
I hope you will have and awesome Friday!