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Get All Excited!

Yes! Today is Friday and that is something to be excited about! And most importantly, Jesus Christ is still the King of Kings!!! Now that's is really something to be excited about!

"Get All Excited" is a song written by Bill Gaither in the last 60's or early 70's as I recall. It is said, the words came to him after attending a ball game. Now we love our sports in the south. The stands are full of cheering fans and when something really good happens we jump to our feet, wave our arms and scream with excitement we didn't know we had in us. Thousands of people celebrating all at one time the joy of a touchdown, hugging people we don't know, high fiving those around us. We get excited!

Now I know our churches are not stadiums and perhaps that type of excitement may not be appropriate for a church service. But when our preachers are giving their all to share The Word with us, perhaps an "Amen" for encouragement and acknowledgement of the Truth would be appropriate. Maybe when the singers are singing their hearts out for the glory of God and to give Him praise, perhaps a lifting of the hand, a wave or an "Amen" would be right in line. We can pat our feet, clap our hands and give praise and worship with the excitement that Jesus is still the King of Kings. When the Holy Spirit is moving amongst us, let's get excited and enjoy the incredible feeling and excitement! The world is watching! They need to see us as Happy Christians who celebrate and enjoy the excitement of our Lord.

It wasn't a football game but the greatest Victory ever was won at Calvary! It was a Victory for all time, never to be repeated. Never needing to be repeated. Jesus gave us it all that day! We can shout that Victory today and for all eternity! I pray you will enjoy hearing The Speer Family sing, "Get All Excited"!

I pray you will have an amazing Friday and let's tell someone about the awesome Victory that was won at Calvary!

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