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Footprints Of Jesus

"For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps:"
1 Peter 2:21

It's always a joy to wake up to song that brings back memories of my days as a teenager. "Footprints Of Jesus" was one of the songs I remember our youth choir singing often. It must have also been one of the favorites of the music director as I remember also singing it often as a congregation in our services. Perhaps we didn't sing it as often as I seem to remember and maybe I just remember it that way since I enjoy this old hymn.

"Footprints Of Jesus" was written by Mary Slade and first published in 1871. With all the change we go through in our lives, I love hymns that have stood the test of time. Mrs. Slade was a teacher, an editor of a publication and known for her hymn writing. One article I read, said she was best known as a "warm-hearted Christian woman". I'd say that's a pretty good way to be remembered.

As I was listening to all the different versions of "Footprints Of Jesus" on YouTube this morning, I found one I really liked. Several years ago, The Mark Trammel Quartet recorded their version but they also blended in another one of my favorite songs from my teenage years, "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow". I pray you will enjoy hearing these old hymns today!

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