I went to sleep last night, with "If You Knew Him, Like I Know Him" playing in my thoughts. It is a beautiful song. I had it on my heart all day after listening to it on my way to church to go visiting with the pastor. I figured since I went to sleep with it on my mind, God might wake me up to it this morning! But God had different plans and I woke up to "Family Bible".
I've been thinking about "Bibles" a lot lately. Not "The Holy Bible" but "Bibles" in general. Now, let me say this first. I believe "The Bible" is the ultimate authority in shaping my life. It is God's divinely inspired revelation of Himself to all of us, and it is true, trustworthy, and without error. When we read the scriptures, we are reading God's Words!
I have been using a King James Version Scofield Bible for over 50 years. I asked for this as a Christmas present when I was 15 and it has been a treasured possession since. It has traveled with me in my luggage or brief case when i went out of town. It has been by my bedside or next to my chair when I was home. Some of you may know, I misplaced it last year and while I tried to remain calm in my appearance, inside there was almost panic. A couple of weeks went by so I decided it was time to order another one but I wanted one as identical to the one I had as possible. I made an online purchase and within about 20 minutes, my pastor called and said "my Bible" had been found. I could have cried (imagine that LOL). But when the new Bible arrived I decided to keep it. I thought my 50 year old Bible still looked new but compared to the new Bible, it was easy to see, it's pages were worn, beginning to yellow and the leather was showing wear. I believe God might have been telling me it was time to give "my Bible" its deserved rest. During the month of December, I read a chapter a day of the Gospel of Luke in "my old Bible" and then on Christmas Day, I started using the "my new Bible" completely. "My old Bible" is now laying with "The Bible" my Dad last used.
I posted pictures of "my old Bible" because I love seeing Dad's handwriting and I miss seeing it in "my new Bible". I retell this story, because my past few weeks of thinking about "Bibles" and the song this morning.
I've decided "Our Bibles" are very personal. We all have our preferences. I've looked around the church and see large ones, smaller ones, black, brown, red and I even saw a purple colored Bible the other day. I see people writing, underlining, and highlighting. Each week, men wear different ties and ladies carry a different handbag, but "our Bibles" go with us to each and every service. In my opinion, "Our Bibles" are our most personal possession. Well that's at least what I think.
I've was thinking about my career and the thousands of homes, offices, and businesses I have been in. There are differences in all but one thing is almost a constant. A "Bible" can quickly be spotted when you enter. It may be a large "Family Bible" on the table, a smaller personal "Bible" on a side table or kitchen table, or on a desk in an office but there is a "Bible" close at hand. (It's kind of crazy but some of the homes I have been in, you might think they didn't know what a "Bible" was but there was one there.) In so many of the homes, the Bible is used to file away some of their memories like a special photograph or a copy of an obituary of a loved one. Some even kept their insurance premium hidden in the pages of their "Bible". I guess they thought if a thief broke in, the last place they would look would be in "The Bible". I remember one of my busiest days, just outside of Prattville, AL, I was collecting from a sweet older lady. She reached for her "Bible" and looked and looked but her money just seemed not to be there. I asked if she wanted me to look and she said no that she would find it. She knew she put it there. She looked and looked. I must admit I was getting a bit anxious as it was a busy day but I tried to be patient. I was beginning to think she just thought she put it there. Finally in my "ultimate wisdom" (LOL) I asked what was her favorite scripture verse. She turned to a verse in Psalms (I believe she said) and there she found a brand new crisp $20 bill tucked between the pages.
The "Bible" is in every courthouse and people take an oath by placing their hand on the "Bible". It is used when our Presidents take their oath of office as well as other elected officials. Just the other day, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the US Senate chamber raised his right hand, placing his left hand on the Bible and took his oath before presiding over the impeachment hearing.
When I was shopping for "my new Bible" I was amazed at the number of different Bibles available for purchase. Different sizes, different covers, different translations. Sunday morning in Sunday School, we discussed the scripture as to how God's Word is not to be altered. Yet, look at all the different translations. Yesterday, while out visiting, the pastor and I discussed this. Well, I suspect by now (if you are still reading) you are thinking I'm rambling and that's probably true. But I have been thinking a lot about "The Bible" lately and how God's Word has truly stood the test of time, how virtually everyone places extreme value in the scriptures and how personal someone's "Bible" is to them.
I have enjoyed the song "Family Bible" for a long time. Did you know, "Family Bible" was written by Willie Nelson? I woke up to hearing my favorite bass singer, Mike Holcomb, singing it but unfortunately, while I have it on a CD, I don't know how to get it here on this blog. So I will post a link to another fine bass singer, Ed O'Neil and the Dixie Melody Boys. I hope you will enjoy!
I'm sorry for this more lengthy post as I always try to keep them a bit shorter. But I want to end with one more thing, a prayer request. A special friend and family is going through an extremely difficult time and I would ask each of you, if you would, please remember them when you pray. Thank you and I hope you have a great day! See you in prayer meeting this evening!