I'm always amazed when I wake up to a song. Some mornings more so than others. This morning it was that way as I woke up very early hearing "Eye Of The Storm".
"Eye Of The Storm" was included on The Inspirations' album, "What's That I Hear" released in 1992 (I think). I remember the day, I purchased the recording. As always, I could not get the cellophane off the case fast enough to put into the car player. I mean this is one of those times, the cellophane was on real good, I had nothing in the car to open it and resorted to using my teeth. (Now don't say "yuck" as if you've never done that before. LOL) But I was always so eager to hear their new recordings.
There were so many good tracks on this recording, but "Eye Of The Storm" is one that the words bring so much peace and comfort during times of challenges and difficulties. I hope you will receive a blessing as I did from hearing this song today!
I pray you have an awesome Friday!