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Come Unto Me

"Please turn to page 44 and let's stand and sing, Come Unto Me." What a very special way to wake this morning to these words and song. It appears, God is keeping my morning songs in the old Red Back Church Hymnal but this morning He added a special memory of my Dad.

On occasion, Dad would be called on to lead the congregation in a song. And I seem to remember "Come Unto Me" was one of the songs he chose most often. (My sisters may correct my memory if they think I am wrong but they better have proof. LOL) Seriously, I may be wrong, but it sure is a joy to wake this morning to this song and my Dad's sweet words!

I can not remember the last time I heard this song. The time may have been the last time Dad led the congregation and I would have been quite young. But as I have mentioned in several of my last few posts, I love the old songs and I love congregation singing almost as much as I love my southern gospel quartet singing. Who am I kidding? I love all singing, choirs, quartets, trios, duets, solos, congregations... it doesn't matter, I just love singing!

But there is something different about congregation singing. With most others, a great deal of time is often spent in practice. But congregations are simply instructed to turn to page such and such (or look at the screen), they begin to sing and they "make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth, make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise".

In the old days, especially in the country churches there were no choirs and rarely even a special singer. The song service for worship and preparing our hearts for the sermon consisted almost entirely on congregation singing. It was beautiful! Each person, lifted their voice in song and the roof would almost come off. I think people really enjoyed singing in those days.

Sunday nights are sweet at my church, East Gadsden Baptist. We don't have a choir on Sunday night and I believe Brother Roger, carefully and prayerfully, (not that he doesn't do this for the other services) selects the songs he will ask the congregation to sing. On Sunday night, it's a smaller congregation and when they sing it is a "joyful noise" of praise. Brother Roger will some time step back and all I can hear is the congregation, sweet voices in unison, filling the sanctuary with a song of praise. Perhaps, not "singing out" as I remember congregations as a kid, but just as beautiful as always.

"Come Unto Me" was written by Charles Jones and published in 1908. Mr. Jones was born in 1865 in Floyd County, GA later to become a missionary Baptist preacher in Jackson, MS. He later left the Baptist Church and founded the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA. Mr. Jones is credited with authoring over 1000 hymns.

Since I spoke so much of congregation singing the first link is just that. And I added a link from a Booth Brothers concert. I hope you will enjoy. See you in prayer meeting and choir practice tonight!

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