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Amazing Grace

"how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see." Written in 1772 by John Newton and first published in 1779, "Amazing Grace", is probably the most recognizable song in the world, A hymn that captures the very essence of the message of forgiveness and redemption of our sins through the mercy of God. I read that it is estimated that "Amazing Grace" is recorded and sung more than 10 million times annually. I'm sure you all know the song, the story behind the song and have memories of your experiences, but this morning I want to share my fondest memory.

First I want to tell you about a surprise I received yesterday. I am so blessed for many reasons but I have some of the most amazing and special friends in the world. Yesterday, about midday, the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone so it startled me somewhat. (I was not taking my nap yet so that wasn't the reason. LOL). But it was the UPS driver delivering a package. What a wonderful and special surprise.

I went around with "It Is Well With My Soul" in my heart the rest of the day and fell asleep thinking about that wonderful old hymn. I would not have been surprised if it was my song of the morning. Thank you my sweet friends for this treasure!

I mentioned the estimate that "Amazing Grace" is sung and recorded 10 million times each year. But I would not be surprised if it is more than that as I find myself humming or singing it many times, many days. Besides some of the children's choruses like "Jesus Loves Me' and the "The B-I-B-L-E", "Amazing Grace" is probably one of the first songs I remember. My maternal Great Grandmother was a sweet, quiet, humble, Godly lady, who I never heard her say one hurtful or harmful thing about any thing or any one. In fact, one of her thoughts of wisdom, I remember her saying, "if they are talking about me, they're leaving someone else alone". But my most precious memory, was listening to her going about her daily business singing softly the words to "Amazing Grace". In the latter months and years of her life, she came to live with us. She and I shared a bedroom so I got to hear her sing "Amazing Grace" many times. I often wonder, was she singing in thanks and praise or was it to influence my life. I'm thinking it was both and I'm so grateful for that influence.

There's a song titled "The Sweetest Song I Know" and it's words say, "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound is the sweetest song I know". I can't agree more, especially when I think about my precious Great Grandmother. There are so many different videos of this incredible hymn. It's hard for me to pick just one. I suspect I don't even have to post a link as all of you have your favorites. But I will post the first one that is listed in the YouTube search for "Amazing Grace". I was especially touched by many of the comments that were shared. "Amazing Grace" IS the sweetest song I know!

I pray you will have a very blessed Thursday!

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