Since I have been sharing my morning song, I don't believe I have ever woke up to a song by The Kingsmen Quartet. But as of this morning, I can't say that any more.
The Kinsgsmen Quartet is a favorite Southern Gospel group that has been around since the mid 50's. During their history, their songs have been a blessing to so many. There are too many songs and singers to name, but when you hear one you know it's the Kingsmen.
I don't know the history of "Sweet Land Of Rest" but I believe The Kingsmen have sung it for probably 15 years. I have always enjoyed hearing it. I believe it was written by Dianne Wilkerson who has written so many Southern Gospel songs. "Sweet Land Of Rest" was also a favorite of the Palmetto State Quartet for several years.
"There's a land where joy is waiting,
far beyond all space and time.
There where earthly cares are fading,
out of sight and out of mind.
There will be no separation,
no more pain no sad goodbyes.
One day all it's matchless beauty,
will unfold before my eyes.
Sweet land of rest,
land of promise .
One day your gates will open wide.
Sweet land of rest,
I long to see you,
when this road ends I'll step inside.
Jesus said He would prepare it,
by His perfect master plan,
Saints of every age will share it,
sights not seen by mortal man.
He'll return. we have his promise.
He will take us there one day.
Never more to leave His presence.
There where death has passed away."
I pray you will enjoy hearing The Kingsmen Quartet this morning as I did!
Wishing you a good Monday!